Privacy Policy
Implemented: 2021
Revised: 01 Dec, 2021
Valuecon Private Limited
Valuecon Private Limited, referred to as (“ValueconSmart”) hereafter, conducts a business aimed at providing Smart Home and Industrial solutions which include Embedded Devices, Cloud Services, Web and Mobile Applications. In conducting this business, the company considers appropriate handling of the personal information of customers and company employees to be a social responsibility. Therefore, we here declare that we will carry out the following efforts in order to fulfil that responsibility.
In the following text, “You”, “User”, “Individual”, “Customer” and “Subscriber” are used interchangeably and always refer to the consumer of ValueconSmart provided services.
In the following text, “We”, “Us”, “ValueconSmart”, “Company” are used interchangeably and always refer to Valuecon Private Limited, its employees, subsidiaries and affiliates in equal terms.
0. Scope of data collected: We collect data for following purposes:
Email address for authentication of user for our Mobile Application and Web Service
Phone/Mobile number for authentication of user for our Mobile Application and Web Service
Location on Mobile Application for the purpose of connecting to a WiFi device over which the cloud based communication of ValueconSmart hardware is performed.
WiFi SSID for connecting ValueconSmart devices to the Internet
1. Definition of Personal Information
Personal information is information related to individuals, including customers and company employees, that can be used to identify those individuals, such as names, telephone and mobile numbers, e-mail addresses. No personal information is collected for the purpose of sharing with any external parties. Even when shared, all due care is taken to maintain secrecy and confidentiality as per this policy document
2. Conditions of Use
When directly obtaining the personal information of customers, the company will specify the purposes for which the information will be used and then, after obtaining the individual’s consent, appropriately obtain and use the information. The company will also establish measures necessary to ensure that personal information is not be used for any other purpose. Moreover, should the company subcontract operations that involve personal information, it will ensure, contractually or by other means, that the subcontractor conducts the same appropriate management of personal information as the company and that the information is used within the bounds of the stated purposes.
3. Safe Management of Personal Information
To protect personal information, the company will manage it appropriately, and take any necessary preventive measures and corrective measures, so that no unauthorized access, leakage, loss or destruction of personal information occurs.
4. Observance of Laws, Government Guidelines, and Other Standards Related to Personal Information
The company will observe all laws, ordinances, government-issued guidelines, and other standards related to personal information.
5. Education for Protecting Personal Information
The company will inform all of its officers and employees about this Privacy Policy, and educate and enlighten them about the protection of personal information.
6. Enquiries about the Handling of Personal Information
Please contact the company with any enquiries about the handling of personal information (see contact information below). We will investigate the matter and then deal with it promptly and appropriately.
7. Revision of Privacy Policy
The company will review and change this Privacy Policy as appropriate, in response to any changes in the laws related to protecting personal information and in the social environment. Policy changes will always be posted on our website so as to be readily available to site users.
Terms of Use
Valuecon Private Limited (hereinafter, “Company”) operates an IoT based Automation Platform (hereinafter, “Platform”). The Platform consists of, but not limited to, Mobile Application, Web Application and Web Site, and associated Embedded devices.
To appropriately and smoothly conduct the service provided through the Platform and to enable customers to use the Service enjoyably, the Company has established the following terms of use (hereinafter, “TOU”).
1. Definitions
1)“Users” is a general term that refers to customers who have agreed to the TOU; who have carried out user registration according to the methods and procedures specified by the Company and whose registration has been approved by the Company; and who then apply for and purchase products or other items which the Company presents and sells on the Platform.
2)“Trademarks” is a general term that refers to the Company’s trademark, logo and trade name.
3) “Content” refers to the text, images, video, sound and other copyrighted material displayed on the Platform.
4) “Affiliated companies” refers to companies with which the Company has concluded a business agreement for the purpose of providing the Service.
2. Conditions of use
1) Based on the TOU and other individual agreements, customers may use the Service provided on the Platform. However, user registration is necessary for customers to obtain the services of the Platform.
2) When customers require to delete user registration to company, customers shall inform their name, user ID and password by E-mail to support@indiasells.com. Company shall take all necessary steps to delete personal information, which directly or indirectly does not affect the Platform, on a best effort basis.
3) By using the Platform, customers agree to comply with the provisions of the TOU and of other rules.
4) In using the Platform, customers must observe the provisions of the TOU and of other rules. Should a customer violate any of those provisions, the Company may suspend the customer’s transactions and deny the customer future use of the Platform.
5) Additional rules for using the Platform may be established in the future. In such a case, agreeing to the rules will be a condition for continuing to use the service of the Platform.
6) The customer agrees in advance that the Company may provide the customer with product information and other information through email, direct mail, fax and other means which it deems necessary for execution of business.
3. Copyrights
Copyrights for the trademarks and content presented on the Platform belong to the Company, information providers or Affiliated companies.
4. Prohibited Actions
1) Carrying out any of the actions listed below when using the Platform is prohibited. Should it be determined that a customer has carried out a prohibited action, the Company may terminate the customer’s use of the Platform, discontinue the delivery of services applied for by the customer, and take other measures. Moreover, should the Company suffer damage from a prohibited action, it may demand compensation for the damage from the customer who committed the action.
Pretending to be someone else
Using the Platform when your user rights have been suspended or if they were revoked in the past
Entering false or mistaken information or omitting required information when applying to use the Platform
Failing to pay the company in the past
Causing an obstacle or impediment to some other customer’s use of the Platform
A minor using the Platform without parental approval
Using the Site when you have previously violated the TOU or other rules established by the Company
Committing some other act deemed inappropriate by the Company
2) On using the Platform, it is prohibited to perform the below action(s). When the company find the customer doing the below action(s), should it be determined that the company may terminate the customer’s use of the Platform, disenroll the user’s registration and discontinue the delivery of services applied for by the customer. Moreover, should the Company suffer damage from a prohibited action, it may demand compensation for the damage from the customer who committed the action.
Acting that affecting the company or cooperating companies from the work in execution or technically
Violating other customers from using the Platform, or obstacle actions, other inadequate actions judged by the company.
Infringing a copyright, trademark right, design right, patent right or other intellectual property right, or the portrait rights, publicity rights or any other right, of the Company, an Affiliated company, or some other legitimate rights holder
Violating a law or ordinance or committing an offence against public order and morals
Committing or abetting a criminal act or suggesting doing so
Committing some other act deemed inappropriate by the Company
5. Handling of Personal Information
1) Personal information provided by customers will be used by the Company for the following purposes:
To allow use of Services offered by the Platform
To sell products, etc., of the Company and of third parties
To bill for payments
To review use of the Platform
To manage customer information
To advertise and publicise products, etc., of the Company and affliated parties
To provide information necessary for operation of the Platform
To provide support for products and services and deal with enquiries
To develop and improve the Company’s products and services
To maintain the Platform system and deal with any problems with it
To simplify customer registration and the other operations involved when customers who have provided personal information use other services provided by the Company
To perform operations, involving the handling of personal information, that are entrusted to the Company by Affiliated companies, etc.
To exercise rights and perform duties stipulated in contracts or in laws, ordinances, etc.
To achieve other purposes established for the Company’s Platform
To carry out other communications and notifications, manage customer relations, send related materials, etc.
2) The Company appropriately protects personal information according to the Privacy Policy which it has established. In using personal information, it will not go beyond the purposes of use about which it provides notification when personal information is entrusted to it. Should the need arise to use personal information for some other purpose, the Company will notify the customer in advance. However, this shall not apply in the following situations.
The customer’s consent was obtained or the customer’s consent has been obtained in advance.
Using the personal information is urgently necessary to protect the customer’s life, person or assets.
Disclosure of the personal information is required by law or is requested in a criminal investigation or some other legal procedure.
An enquiry based on a legitimate reason is received from a public agency.
The Company subcontracts all or part of its operations to a third party.
Using the personal information without notification is permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law or some other law or ordinance.
6. Revision of the TOU The Company may, at its own discretion, revise the TOU and other rules. Such revisions will go into effect by being posted on the Platform. The revisions shall thereafter apply to use of the Platform.
7. Disclaimer
The Company may, at its own discretion, change or discontinue part or all of the Services provided on the Platform. In such a case, the Company shall not be liable for any damage that occurs to any customer as a result of such action. Moreover, the Company does not guarantee the veracity, accuracy, currency, usefulness, reliability or legality of the information provided for free on the Platform, nor does it guarantee that this information does not infringe the rights of third parties. Furthermore, the Company shall not be liable for any damage that occurs to customers as a result of a system interruption, slowdown or stoppage, or a data loss or unauthorized access to data, caused by a problem with computers or communication lines, or for any other damage that occurs to customers in connection with the Platform’s Services.
8. Governing Law and Agreed Jurisdiction
1) The TOU shall be governed by the law of India.
2) Should a dispute occur between a customer and the Company, they shall endeavour to resolve it in good faith. However, should a lawsuit become unavoidable, the Court of Justice in New Delhi shall be the court of the first instance with exclusive, agreed-upon jurisdiction over the case.
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Valuecon Private Limited
B-34, Krishan Kunj, Extension-2
Laxmi Nagar - Delhi - 110092
Email: info@indiasells.com, valueconsmart@gmail.com
Email: info@indiasells.com